Coping and anxiety in college students after the September 11th terrorist attacks

Liverant,Gabrielle I.;Hofmann,Stefan G.;Litz,Brett T.
Anxiety, Stress, and Coping.-.2004
Vol.: 17 Ed.: 2 Pag.: 127 139

Coping with terrorism: age and gender differences in effortful and involuntary responses to September 11th

Wadsworth,Martha E.;Gudmundsen,Gretchen R.;Raviv,Tali;Ahlkvist,Jarl A.;McIntosh,Daniel N.;Kline,Galena H.;Rea,Jacqueline G.;Burwell,Rebecca A.
Applied Developmental Science.-.2004
Vol.: 8 Ed.: 3 Pag.: 143 157

Disaster and terrorism: Cognitive-Behavioral interventions

Walser,Robyn D.;Ruzek,Josef I.;Naugle,Amy E.;Padesky,Christine;Ronell,Diana M.;Ruggiero,Ken
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.-.2004
United States
Vol.: 19 Ed.: 1 Pag.: 54 63

Efectos de la exposición a eventos traumáticos en personal de emergencias: consecuencias psicopatológicas del atentado terrorista del 11-M en Madrid = Traumatic events exposure aftermath in emergency personnel: psychological consequences after the March 11, 2004, terrorist attack in Madrid

González-Ordi,Hector;Miguel-Tobal,Juan José;Cano-Vindel,Antonio;Iruarrizaga,Iciar
Ansieded y Estrés.-.2004
Vol.: 10 Ed.: 02-mar Pag.: 207 217

Exploring the myths of coping with a national trauma: a longitudinal study of responses to the September 11th terrorist attacks

Silver,Roxane Cohen;Poulin,Michael;Holman,E. Alison;McIntosh,Daniel N.;Gil-Rivas,Virginia;Pizarro,Judith
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma.-.2004
Vol.: 9 Ed.: 01-feb Pag.: 129 141

Have there been lasting effects associated with the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks among inner-city parents and children?

Henry,David B.;Tolan,Patrick H.;Gorman-Smith,Deborah
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.-.2004
Vol.: 35 Ed.: 5 Pag.: 542 547

Hispanic ethnicity and post-traumatic stress disorder after a disaster: evidence from a general population survey after September 11, 2001

Galea,Sandro;Vlahov,David;Tracy,Melissa;Hoover,Donald R.;Resnick,Heidi S.;Kilpatrick,Dean G.
Annals of Epidemiology.-.2004
Vol.: 14 Ed.: 8 Pag.: 520 531

Integration of disaster mental health services with emergency medicine

Ruzek,Josef I.;Young,Bruce H.;Cordova,Matthew J.;Flynn,Brian W.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.-.2004
United States
Vol.: 19 Ed.: 1 Pag.: 46 53

International findings on the impact of terrorism

Engdahl,Brian E.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma.-.2004
Vol.: 9 Ed.: 01-feb Pag.: 265 276

La reacción humana ante el trauma: consecuencias del 11 de Marzo de 2004 = Human reaction to psychological trauma: psychological consequences of the March 11th, 2004, terrorist attack in Madrid

Miguel-Tobal,Juan José;Martínez-Sánchez,F.
Ansieded y Estrés.-.2004
Vol.: 10 Ed.: 02-mar Pag.: 141 145