
NOTICIA - 12-06-2024
The European Parliament approves a directive to ban the glorification of acts of terrorism as requested by AVT
On Thursday 14 March, the European Parliament's Equality and Civil Liberties Committees approved their position for the proposed reform of the Victims' Rights Directive. It was approved by 70 votes in favour, with only one against. The adopted report improves, among other issues, the tools for the protection and support of victims, their access to compensation and free legal aid, as well as containing a new article to protect victims' right to dignity.
On 15 November 2023, AVT took part in the meeting of the Joint Committee on Civil Liberties and Women's Rights (LIBE-FEMM) to discuss the draft report on the revision of Directive 2012/29/EU on the rights of victims of crime. At the meeting, AVT defended proposals for amending the Directive, focusing on the importance of strengthening victims' right to information and participation in relation to criminal proceedings and investigations, with particular attention to cases in which investigations are complex and lengthy (as in the case of terrorist crimes), and in cases of crimes with multiple victims of different nationalities and residents in other Member States. The importance of adopting measures to protect the dignity of victims in all States was also defended in order to avoid situations of humiliation, as occurs in Spain with victims of terrorism and acts of glorification of terrorism.